SafeSky, Skyecho 2, and Android smartphone

It appears, at the moment, that you cannot run Skyecho 2 and SafeSky at the same time on a smartphone running the latest Android version (14). The WIFI connection to Skyecho 2 inhibits a mobile data network connection.
The SafeSky videos appear to show that it should work (or did work), but it doesn’t now.
Tristan is aware of the issue and says they are looking at a fix.
Note, this is only an Android issue.

Same issue for the newest ipad version.
It seems SafeSky doesn’t ask the ipad for local network access permission to discover devices.
I think the same issue plays on the newest Android version.

Tony, thanks for raising this again. The Android/SE2 problem has been going on for ages and affects my Android 9 and I suspect many more versions. None of the suggested ‘fixes’ work. It generates no system warning and in my view is a dangerous latent defect. All the developers use Apple otherwise it would have been solved by now. Clearly this is a characteristic of Android but that does not absolve SafeSky. Tristan told me the same thing about looking into it at least 18 months ago probably more.

If this is an issue that SafeSky cannot fix, due to limitations with the Android OS, then fair enough.
However, if this is the case and no fix is possible, then SafeSky needs to remove all references from their website with regards to being able to use the Android OS and external devices, such as the SE2…
There is lots of information on the SafeSky website showing how it works with Android; it’s a bit misleading if it doesn’t…
Hopefully Tristan will come on here with the current status and a way forward…

Same here I stopped connecting Skyecho and Safesky on my Nokia10 due to following reason. 1) Found out from logfiles in Safesky ( connected to Skydemon) that huge part of my flightrack is often missing which means that Safesky is not operating and does not issue warning (on screen) about connection problem or whatever.
2)Got report from one of my flightclub member who monitors ADS-B signal regulary that he noticed somtime weird location of ADS-B signal just as if I am flying in east part of country when actullay flying in south west part of country.
I think SkyEcho2 is doing this mess and is messing up SafeSky. That can be due to the fact that the operating software in SkyEcho2 has not been updated for about 4 years !!!

Hi Antony,

Hopefully raising the issue again will give the search for a work round some renewed impetus. The suggested fixes did not work for me but I make no claim to be well up on this sort of problem solving. We will see if anything comes of your post.

Season’s Greetings


If Jonas is still on the forum perhaps he can assist with his Speedify solution. Back in March he posted this:

"I use a OnePlus 8 pro with Android 13. I am unable to use mobile data when connected to Skyecho wifi.

As a workaround I use the Speedify app to be connected to both…

I use this recipe to connect.

  1. Connect to Speedify VPN app.
  2. Connect to Skyecho wifi.
  3. Starting Safesky and choose “fly”.
  4. Starting Skydemon and and choose fly>GDL90.

I can now see traffic in Skydemon. However I get this message in Safesky saying “waiting for Skyecho”"
I have checked all the settings and the setup should be fine…"


Yes, I did see that post at the time but for me it was a further layer of complexity and yet another subscription service. I opted to have Wi-Fi off on my EFB with mobile data on for SafeSky returns, and vice versa on my phone for SE2 returns but a rather inelegant solution. If no proper fix is forthcoming before long, it may just be a question of going over to the dark side as my Android kit is getting on now. Like everyone I hope for a truly comprehensive EC solution while I am still able to fly but, in the meantime, resolve to keep enjoying looking out of the window!


SkyEcho has not been software updated in almost 4 years. I would not connect SE and SS together because there some strange conflight there going on.

Software not being updated doesn’t mean it shouldn’t work.
SkyEcho works fine with other apps (SkyDemon, ForeFlight, etc), so i don’t have the impression SkyEcho’s software is the issue here.

It is not a SkyEcho 2 issue.; it is an Android data path issue.
When Android connects to SkyEcho via WIFI, it is a “bridge” connection and nothing else. No mobile data internet path is available via the SkyEcho WIFI link.
What needs to happen is for Android to somehow open up a parallel data path to mobile data when the SkyEcho WIFI link is active. That isn’t happening and, hopefully, is what Tristan is investigating.
FYI, this is only an Android issue; it doesn’t appear to happen with Apple devices.

I have the same issue on the newest ipad version 18.1.1.
Followed all the tips and tricks in all the topics available on this forum, no success.
As mentioned above, SafeSky doesn’t appear to ask the OS for permission to local network access, to be able to discover other devices. Other apps do and are in the list of permission granted. Maybe there lies (part of) the problem.

Okay, that is interesting.
Hopefully Tristan and his team have identified the issue and working on a fix…