Garmin Pilot App

Not yet…

SafeSky is not open source today. Not yet discussed.

But don’t hesitate to take contact with Tristan, our dev team manager and CEO.

Thanks, I just wrote an email.

The dedicated Garmin Pilot is here and it works! :slight_smile:

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Is there a trick to getting SafeSky to appear in the devices list in Garmin Pilot? I have enabled GarminPilot in the SafeSky app, but no luck. Will SafeSky provide traffic data to Airbox’s Runway HD?

SafeSky is not listed in Garmin Pilot. SafeSky is an app and not a device.
You need to activate ADSB IN in the setting menu of Garmin Pilot. The trafic sharing is automatic, if:
. You are a premium user
. SafeSky is open, and Garmin pilot is activated in the setting menu/trafic sharing
. You have made a Take Off

For now, Runway HD is not yet tested and we can’t say if this EFB is compatible. Probably, we’ll proceed some tests in a near future.

Best regards,

If you click on devices button on Garmin Pilot, after take off on SafeSky, you’ll see that GDL90 is connected and active. It means that trafic is shared and visible, if you have trafic in your vicinity of course.

Best regards,


For info, Safesky display is intermittent with Garmin. Traffic picture appears momentarily for a few seconds then disappears for longer then reappears for a few seconds etc. Is there a reason Safesky might be communicating intermittently with the Garmin Pilot app ?


Could you just confirm that what you explain was experimented during a flight, or grounded?

Thanks to help us


This was on the ground as a test so will try it in flight, but the picture on Safesky is constant, no dropouts so it would appear to be a Safety-Garmin Pilot comms issue.


Hello John @NGETHU,

We haven’t tried this, but we’re going to test it again today.
To date, we haven’t had any such comments.
Could you let us know about your test today?

All the best,

while i see the release note of 2023 that explained is was possible to connect Garmin Pilot and SafeSky, when i tired today having Garmin Pilot V 25.1.0, it look they change the way to retrieve traffic info , and no visible device GDL 90 , having Safesky open and in flight mode, on same device.
Can you please confirm if with latest version of Garmin Pilot it is still possible to get traffic info from Safesky ?
thanks & regards,