I am happy using the Garmin Pilot App to support navigation together with Stratux. Unfortunately I cannot find the Garmin App in your compatibility list. Are you planning on adding it? This would be a precondition for me to purchase your premium version.
Hi Chris!
Thanks for your message. It would indeed be great if the big Garmin could integrate SafeSky in their applications. We have been talking with them at Aero Friedrichshafen 2022 and they ‘are considering it seriously’, as the number of SafeSky users is expanding. But as you are the lucky user of a Stratux : why not connect it to a tablet/phone ? Together with SafeSky you will have the best traffic presentation on the market. You can even share the ‘direct’ traffic you collect with your Stratux to other pilots and becoming an active player of safety in the skies !
Hi Paul,
thank you very much for your quick answer! Indeed I have connected Stratux to my iPad mini already and enjoy seeing traffic on the moving map. It would be a wonderful enhancement if I could merge the traffic from Stratux with the SafeSky traffic on the same moving map.
So, until Garmin will decide on integration (which they should if ForeFlight can) I will then try out SafeSky separately on the iPhone.
Hi, any News on that?
greetings from Germany
I kept bothering Garmin Europe several times, via email and at the Aero personally. They told me that they have passed on the request to their US-development department and got reveived the message that they are currently not interested in integration …
Hi Guy’s,
No news from Garmin Europe, despites our good contact at Aero2023.
We hope that this will change in the not too distant future. Even the EASA has pushed Garmin to integrate SafeSky traffic.
But Garmin is Garmin and it’s going to take its lumps, that’s for sure.
For your information, Garmin Pilot was modified several months ago and now accepts GDL90. We have done tests but it is unstable and the connection is lost immediately. It’s up to Garmin’s developers to work on this because on our side, it works perfectly with the other EFBs on the market.
Best regards,
Thank you very much for your kind feedback. Let‘s hope that EASA makes them reconsider their current decision, when competition (e.g. Foreflight) was not enough of an argument. I like both apps very much and will remain patiently hoping .
Garmin Pilot is expecting TCP Port 4000 (and not TCP 2000 like with all other EFBs) - is this something that could be configured in the Safesky app?
We’ll check it. Thanks
We are still trying to get Garmin Pilot in the list of official compatible EFB with SafeSky. So far, our tests have not been satisfactory with our standards as Garmin Pilot does not behave like other GDL90 compatible apps by default.
Please stay tuned as we expect to remedy in a timely fashion.
Fly Safe,
Today i was flying with GP and I started Safesky in the background. Then I realized that my GP App was connected with an external device.
I pressed on the blue Bluetooth button on the uper right corner and I saw that a traffic source was connected and it was receiving 6 targets. I wondered and tried to enable the traffic and booooom… I had traffic targets on my GP!
it worked perfectly for me. I’m using Garmin Pilot (latest version). I selected the gdl90 option in Safesky.
It’s working when choosing SkyDemon in the SafeSky menu and NOT generic GDL90.
SafeSky team will fix this and offer you a dedicated Garmin pilot icon in order to correctly configured the two apps.
Spécial thanks to @Chris for the following
Choosing Sky-Demon works like a charm!
Another workaround is, to choose GDL90 but then you must also turn on to share SafeSky’s Location via GDL90, which feels a bit awkward.
That is exactly my experience. Since in my configuration both apps use the iPad-GPS as a source, both options should deliver the same results. That for me is a great achievement!
Yes w’ll provide a dedicated icon, don’t worry
Do you have a public issue-tracker so we can follow the progress?
Next release in a few days…
I would you love to contribute to SafeSky! Did you ever think about making it open source? The business model would stay untouched as the asset is the data, not the software itself.