Flightsim mode?

Dear all,

I was wondering whether the SafeSky App has some kind of a “flightsim-mode” in which it receives its GPS data from the computer on which a flight simulator is running but doesn’t send out its position to the network, in order not to generate wrong data for “real” pilots in the air.

SkyDemon can be connected this way and I am using this mode in order to try settings/functuons out on the ground as “playing around” in the air is not convenient/safe.

Would be nice if I could feed the traffic information from SafeSky into SkyDemon at the same time, without generating chaos for others…

Anyone knows whether I can get that running somehow?

Thanks for your feedback :slightly_smiling_face:

Why do you want to use Safesky insted of Skydemon for this?

I want to use both actually, to find out on the ground already what settings work best for me and to get used to the interface etc…

Well, Safesky is just push of a button (if you have configured it probably) and forget about it.
The surounding traffic will show up in Skydemon (if you have the premium subscribtion)

I have done a lot of Safesky testing while at home on the ground! That allows you to check out most Safesky functionality, including display of aircraft “in vicinity” with Skydemon. When you are ready then do some tests in the air…

I’m not a premium subscriber (yet), but when I feed the traffic information from SafeSky into SkyDemon my position will not automatically be shared through the SafeSky server? Because this would then show a “grounded plane” at the location of my desk at home, no? I want to avoid messing up the system while trying it out :wink:

I think you need to be a premium subscriber to allow Skydemon to be used.

I do a lot of testing at home so my “aircraft” is at 330 ft AMSL!

Yes, you will be sending your details to other Safesky users but that doesn’t matter. Same as if you were on the ground at your home airfield…