Today, preparing for take-off, SafeSky did not allow me to choose a plane, since today appeared to be the end of my 12 month subscription. If I would have been aware, I would have payed some weeks ago, avoiding this. Perhaps I missed the advance warning some weeks before the hard termination?
Hi @Robert, did you buy the application from the SafeSky online shop or from the Apple Store or Android Play Store?
With Apple or Android, renewal is automatic. This is not the case with the application purchased from the online shop. But you’re absolutely right, it’s important to warn Pilots when the 12 months are up… We’re going to add a check/reminder to the application.
Best regards,
Good morning Christophe,
I bought it online. Now I have bought it via the Play store.
Thank you for your reply.
Best regards
Thanks for this @Robert
Fly safe