Hi Aviators,
to integrale SafeSky into SkyDemon, I just upgraded SafeSky to the Premium Version.
I think I really carefully set up everything correctly.
However, even though SkyDemon does connect to SafeSky, SkyDemon does not receive a valid GPS fix.
I get the message from SkyDemon: „Waiting for GPS fix“.
This happens for iPad and Android phone.
I wonder, what I am doing wrong?
Any suggestions "?
Ok have you got SafeSky and SkyDemon on same iPad or have you SafeSky on an iPhone? Does your iPad have 4g?
And when you select “fly” in SkyDemon are you using the GDL90 option?
This is perhaps helpful.
If not, could you shutdown and switch on your device, and re-test?
Let me know if this issue persists.
Don’t forget that SafeSky send traffic only AFTER clicking on Take-Off…
Hi All,
yes, SafeSky and SkyDemon are on the same device.
SafeSky is active and running in “after-take-off mode”.
SafeSky has got the GPS coordinates and works great.
But SkyDemon refuses to take this coordinates. While SafeSky has perfect GPS fix, SkyDemon has nothing and is waiting for the fix…
Odd: the same effect I also observe on my Android phone.
I had the same problem, SkyDemon was waiting for GPS fix.
In my case, I had forgot to set on the “enable trafic sharing” . To do that, go in the setup, then “Traffic sharing”, then flag the “Enable traffic sharing”.
In SkyDemon, vrify that the setup is correct. Go to setup, then “Third-Party Devices” and click on “GDL90 Compatible Device”
My configuration is SafeSky on an Androïd phone sharing the WIFI.
Sequence :
1-vérify that SafeSky and SkyDempon have the correct setup
2-Enable my phone to share the WIFI
3-Start SafeSky and push “Take Off”
4-Start SkyDemon and choose “Use GDL 90 compatible device”
And everithyng works perfect.
Have nice flights