For flight planing and in flight navigation I use mainly ForeFlight. Here is also a sentry device connected because of WAAS GPS and AHRS and CO Alarm and ADS-B. But in Germany we do habe a lot gliders and FLARM equipped aircraft. So it would be nice to use the Sentry alongside the SafeSky App in Forflight. Is this possible? I would like to test it, but don’t want to spend 30€ and in the end it wouldn’t work.
On my mobile phone I use Skydemon for now as ForeFlight isn’t warning for airspace penetration as as am beginner I would like this warning to. Would be great if an airspace warning would be part of safe sky too.
It’s not well known, but Sentry is a proprietary product developed by uAvionics for ForeFlight only. In other words, Sentry has been created to only work with ForeFlight.
The equivalent and ‘open’ version of Sentry for Europe is SkyEcho, which is compatibly with any GDL90 compatible navigation software, including Sky Demon, EasyVFR, SDVFR and others:
And the good news is thatSafeSky is compatible with SkyEcho
Our advice to get started easily is to use SkyDemon and SafeSky together, so that you have your airspace penetration alerts, and the situation awareness from ADS-B traffic and also from FLARM and the other available sources from SafeSky. All available from a single screen: your Sky Demon.
You can always add an external device later on once you start to get more confident.
Thanks for your reply. I found it worth to spend to the SafeSky premium account. And for your knowledge, it does work with ForeFlight.
SonI get the traffic from sentry and SafeSky. And SkyEcho wasn’t an option for me as it is much more expensive and doesn’t offer CO warning backup attitude.
Hello Sentry is a product made by uAvionix (manufacturer of the SkyEcho) and the product is more or less exactly the same but ordered by ForeFlight to be the companion of this EFB in US.
We tested the compatibility with SkyEcho / SafeSky / ForeFlight, and it’s working fine.
Concerning the Sentry, we are not equipped with this device and we couldn’t give you an answer.
Anyway I suggest that you test it with the same config of the SkyEcho2.
But I confirm that you can add SafeSky Traffic with the SkyEcho2 traffic and share all traffics with ForeFlight.
Keep us posted with your experience with the Sentry, we will share this conclusion with the community of SafeSky pilots.
Don’t hesitate to read our user manual, and videos (YouTube).