Neurone transceiver?

I’ve discovered SafeSky at Aero and find it very interesting. I’ve also seen a company using what looks like a solid hardware solution, called Neurone: flyingneurones. Dot com. they claim their system will also work with safesky and it would be interesting to know whether anyone here has tried? I am considering Neurone as a replacement for my Stratux, if I can figure out how to make all my components work together properly…

Any feedback? Hope the companies talk to each other since both are at Aero!

Thanks, Chris

Hello, thanks for your interesting question.

Flying Neuron is indeed a good solution, and SafeSky traffic is currently visible to FN. We have good discussion with the teams and Flying Neuron traffic will also become visible to SafeSky in the next few weeks.

In other words, you can make up your mind by yourself, since SafeSky is inter-operable with FS, and other external traffic devices too.

Another option is to get started with the free version of SafeSky, so that you can start introducing situation awareness with your flight process.

You can also consult this comparison matrix from EasyVFR:

Fly Safe,

SafeSky team

Thank you!

I have already tried SafeSky on the ground with my Stratux and it works well. The question is rather more how I can replace my stratux receiver with the Neuron, because it does not offer WiFi. Currently, I am connecting everything through my Stratux access point and if that is gone, I can maybe no longer connect the other sources.

If I have the Neurone app on my Android phone, can I then make the phone an access point and run both SafeSky and Neurone on the phone at the same time but send the traffic to Skydemon?

Anyway, thanks and best of luck too!


Another Question: It seems like 95+ % of all your traffic on live dot safesky dot app is ADS-B / FLARM (smaller aircraft, disregarding airliners). Comparing some of the traffic to flightradar, some of your traffic seems to be labelled ADS-B but FLARM/OGN on flightradar. Is it possible that some of your data sources map all traffic to ADS-B, even if it is not? In essence, I am surprised of how prevalent ADS-B seems – of course, that is good, I am just curious whether it is correct.

Hi XTOF (Christophe, I assume)
Do I understand correctly that the position, altitude and call-signs of planes that I see on SafeSky comes from basically 2 sources:

  1. from fellow pilots using SkySafe that transmit their plane’s callsign, position, altitude.
  2. and from planes carrying Mode-S, ADS-B and FLARM transponders
  • and both 1 and 2 are received by ground-based receivers, processed and uploaded to “the air” by SafeSky systems, which gives me the complete picture.

So it guess that you have a network of people on the ground who have receivers on their house, and upload the data from their receiver to a network, which SafeSky uploads to planes. My question is about that “ground-based-reception”

If I understand correctly, FlightRadar24 and ADSB-exchange both have 2 separate user communities that contribute the data from their rooftop to one of the 2.
Does SkySafe get part of their data from one of these communities also?
Or do you “have” a third community of people with a receiver on their roof, feeding to safeSky only?

Thank you and best regards, Robert