Flightlogs storing and retrival


Are flightlogs always stored on device only or can these logs be retrived from other rescources ( server) ? in case if pilot ( SafeSky user) and plane is missing and search and rescue team are trying to get info about pilots flight track ( flightlog)?



The flight log is always stored on the device until we develop a CLOUD solution.
However, if you activate SAR, it will automatically record your current flight and SAR services will then be able to view your position without using your device, of course.

Yours faithfully

I fine and thanks. I am looking forward to your
CLOUD feature. According to the SAR guide this only helps if the pilot himself activates the MAYDAY function only - which is fine per se but if pilot and plane impacts on ground in remote aera ( and no activation on MAYDAY function) what happens then? Is the track stored somewhere other than on device?
