Feed an AT1-GTN750 system


first thanks for this great app. :ok_hand:
searched long for an solution for this.
But now i have specific question.
Our Robin DR400 uses an GTN750xi with an AT1 as traffic source.
I understand that it is possible to get the safesky data additionaly to my garmin pilot app.
But is it also possible to feed the data direct in the avionics?
Before i do some experiments maybe someone has a idea that works.
my dream is that garmin pilot is connected via wlan to the gtn750. and safesky is connected to AT1 or the GTN. so that all traffic is visible on all screens.

thanks for your answers.
keep up the good work.

Some new information:
I asked Air Avionics. At the moment the AT-1 is not capable of processing input data vie wlan.
But they plan to upgrade the wifi firmware to make it possible.

Nice news !!!