Connecting SkySafe (Android phone) with Skydemon (IPad Mini 4)

Hi all,
There are already some posts with connection issues - however I ask for help in my specific case.
I tried to run Safesky and Skydemon on the same device (IPad Mini 4). This works - but very slow and after less than one hour the battery is gone :-(.
So I’m trying to run Safesky on my Android Phone and Skydemon on the IPad. Connection is working when both devices are connected to my home Wifi.
Next step was to try to connect the devices via Wifi hotspot from the Android phone. But this is not working. I tried to set the IP-adress explicitely - but without success.
Internet connection on the IPad is working - so the basic connection is working.
Do I have any other options or things to find out the error?

By the way - What is your recommendation for Apple hardware to have a good user experience when running both apps on the same device?

Thanks a lot in advance.

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I’m older, a technophobe and had a similar issue. SafeSky were tenatious and issued step by step set up and connection details. All works OK now.
I tested it on three seperate times at home then on two flights last week.
I can post it here but probably better for SafeSky (Paul) to do that.

Hi Jochen,

I will try to reproduce your settings and come back to you. Can you give me your mail address? If needed we can setup a call.
Best regards,

Thanks John !!!

Morning Paul.
You’re welcome although I fear the ‘!!!’ might mean ‘you dropped me in it!’
Really grateful for your helping me.
Best wishes,

Hello Jochen,

A. We have indeed noticed several problems with older Ipad Mini. There are many reasons for it, but the newer ones are much better.
We do not advocate use of Apple devices, although I have to say that they are very user friendly and work fine.

Problems mostly are caused by android versions and the additional layers from manufacturers of android devices. But there are simple tablets ( eg. a Samsung A7 tablet) that are working fine if you use both apps (Skydemon and SafeSky) on the same device - with a simcard installed or via a hotspot of a phone.

B. Connection problems between your phone and your tablet.

When trying to reproduce your problem, I was not able to activate a good hotspot connection on one of my android phones. (On other phones and tablets it worked well). So before searching further, could you please check if your hotspot connection is working?

1 - Create the hotspot on your Phone with Simcard

1.1. Check if your Phone has internet access through simcard
Settings – Connections

  • WIFI : off
  • (Bluetooth : off)
  • Flightmode : off
  • Mobile networks: active
    Try whatever website and check if you have access.
    If Not : check your sim card/internet plan/provider
    If YES : continue

1.2. Check your internet use settings

  • Data Roaming: on
  • Data usage: do not limit data use – access the internet through your mobile network
  • Data saver: off
  • Allowed networks for apps : Mobile data or WIFI

1.3. Create - Mobile hotspot and Tethering on your phone :

  • Wifi hotspot : on
  • note the Network name and Password of this hotspot
  1. Connect your tablet (without simcard) to the hotspot of your phone

Settings on your tablet:

  • Network and internet : Turn Wifi on
  • Internet – search for the hotspot of your phone - not the wifi of your home!
    – insert Password of this hotspot
    Then you should see that there is a connection to your phone

What does it say? Please let me know.

Try whatever website on the tablet to see if internet connection is working.
Is that OK ?
Please let me know.

I will then further look at the settings for Skydemon and SafeSky on both your phone and tablet.

Could you send your mailadress to . that might be more convenient to examine your issues.

Best regards,