Dysplay goes black

with version 3.0.7 (330) in the weekend I found that in flight the screen goes black following the standby configuration of android 13.It happes both in map and in radar modes. I solved that inconvenient by setting up android standby at 35 minutes (maximum allowed by my phone) but I thing it is not the solution.It seems to me that when the app works it would never go in stanby.I never noticed this problem with the previous versions.
Do you think it is a problem of android or there is a bug in the last SafeSky version ? How can I overcome it ?

I have the version 3.0.7 mounted on a Samsung Galaxy s10.
I do not have the issue you described.
I suggest to get additional info about it related to Android version you have on your device.

I have the same problem with 3.0.7 on a Redmi Note 9 Pro, Android version 12. Previously it didnĀ“t happen.


Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.

We have identified the problem and are preparing to release an update that includes the bug fix.

Safe flying to all,


I had the same problem with SafeSky 3.0.7 and Android 8.1.0
It is very important that the screen should remain visible expecially during flight.
Otherwise congratulations for a great app!