My aircraft has an ADS-B Transponder AND a FLARM.
This leads to a constant flashing alarm from SafeSky.
Could my maybe implement the option, to enter BOTH codes for an aircraft to suppress this warnings?
Hello @Breenild ,
When you are using both ADS-B and Flarm (I have the same config in my plane), you absolutely need to encode the SAME hexadecimal code. The hex code is linked to the plane, not the devices. Imagine you are flying with two different hex code…this is like you have 2 planes in the same area. No one devices will be able to avoid the double echo, as well with safesky.
If you take a look on the operating instructions, normally it is mentioned to use the same hexadecimal code as its transponder.
I’m flying with an air avionics Garrett (ADSB in and Flarm In/Out), the hexa code that I have informed during the installation process is exactly my transponder ICAO code that I’ve received from the administration.
Let me know if you don’t have the same vision, and in this case maybe could you share with me why?
Best regards,
But the ADS-B has hexacode (like you wrote) and the FLARM has a number such as 412657.
I entered the ADS-B code into safesky, but it always warns me about the 412657 FLARM identifier.
I have a separate installed FLARM transmitter/receiver.
It put the received data into my Garmin avionics.
And I have a built-in ADSB transponder, which only sends the ADS-B signal.
I don’t know, if I can change the code in the FLARM. Or if it is even allowed to change.
Dear @Breenild
The code that you mentioned 412657 can be an hexa code. The double spot is normal in this case.
You need and can, and must change this code and use the same code used by the ads-b. One code per aircraft.
Best regards.
I have a similar issue where the FLARM (TRX2000) is programmed with the same HEX Code as the Mode S transponder (3D3006). Sometimes the callsign D-EQLA is shown is SafeSky correctly and the aircraft is identified as motor plane. However, most of the time the plane is shown as glider with a code 43F314. Even when FlightAware and Flight Radar (3D3006) shows the aircraft with the correct callsign I find that SafeSky at the same time shows only the code 43F314. Air Avionics the OEM of the TRX2000 cannot explain where the code 43F314 orginiates from. How can this be resolved?
Difficult to answer.
SafeSky does not “emit” any code, so this code must come from the aircraft or a neighbouring aircraft.
This code “43F314” is a code that is picked up by groundstations and sent back to SafeSky’s servers. To see who is returning this code, click on the aircraft with this identifier and see what the source is. Between different suppliers and depending on the settings, an aircraft may be seen as a glider or vice versa. This depends on the database and the recognition of your aircraft’s identifier in the shared databases.
At SafeSky we check each identifier to correct this type of error, but sometimes it can persist if the call sign is too old or not filled in correctly.
Here’s a screenshot with the information.
Could you please get back to us with the supplier who is informing us of this incorrect call sign?
Thank you in advance.
nb. For your information, version 3.0 of SafeSky, which will be released shortly, will include a very effective means of cancelling Laertes with nearby aircraft or possible double echoes.