Safesky weather information might be unreliable!?

I noticed that the displayed weather information (local QNH) was wrong. Real QNH was more than 5 hPa different compared to the displayed value.

Best is to ask ATC or flight service!
If anything happens that needs explanation it will sound better than saying you used an app… :smiley:

That’s for sure… I am just wondering where the data comes from or if it is maybe just outdated?

Hi Linoair,

Thank you for your feedback. The weather information is sourced from official meteorological services. We have recently adjusted the expiration timing for METAR data, and this update will be included in the upcoming patch.

If you notice any discrepancies in the future, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a screenshot to help us investigate further. :slight_smile:

Here screenshots I took today 22.06.2024 at 0900 UTC. Safesky shows a QNH for Stade (EDHS) of 1014hPa. Next large airport Hamburg EDDH (18NM away) reports a QNH of 1009hPa.

Your 2nd screenshot gives an information from a weather station in a city, and not a metar form an airfield.
That’s why you have STADE and an icon representing a city, and not the ICAO code of the airfield; It means that you can have some slight difference.
We decided to offer this feature, because sometimes airfield are too far of your position.
However the difference of the QNH is too important. We’ll investigate why.
Thanks for this information.

Best regards,

I am a big fan of SafeSky, and I use it on every flight! Unfortunately SafeSky still provides weather information of cities with wrong QNH.
In my opinion it is risky to display pressure values which differ by more than 10 hPa of the correct QNH.
In my opinion it would be much better to show only weather information from reliable aviation data sources like METARs.
Best Regards,