Kan niet inloggen in safesky app

tablet is kapot en nieuwe tablet gekocht
safesky geinstalleerd maar kan niet niet inloggen met mijn email / passwoord
premium account.
safesky werkt nog steeds (vermoed ik) op mijn smartphone.


You need to use the same email and password than before.
No reason that SafeSKY is not working if you do that. If SafeSky is always working on your phone, it means that you account is ok.
Please re-check email and password. Perhaps do you have used an SSO connection (apple or google)?

Best regards,

hi xtof, thanks for getting back

Perhaps do you have used an SSO connection (apple or google)?

normally not, i should have signed up with email. is there anyway i can see / check this ? It doesn’t show up in my google account as SSO connection.

ok, don’t bother. it’s solved.

Ok, happy to read that all is running now.

Best regards,