Normally I use a TRX1500 with Air Connect (both airavionics) to visualize FLARM and ADS-B targets using Skydemon (ver 3.16.4) on my apple ipad mini (6th Gen).
I am using now SafeSky and I want to show these data as additional target on Skydemon.
For connection to the internet I use my iphone SE as a personal hotspot.
Now I have the problem to select in Skydemon both systems in order to use the TRX with Air Connect as ”main” system and the SafeSky data (running standby in the background) as additional information.
Therefore I have the following questions:
Where do I have to run the SafeSky? On my iphone or on the ipadmini?
As the both apple devices have to be in the same WLAN, how can I connect then to my Air Connect?
If I select the “external traffic” on safe sky – what do I have to select with my Air Connect?
Could you please assist with the required settings?