Safesky Manual

I try to export the manual without any success.
It returns that an error occured
Try to login in the page of “library” but it does not recconize me.
I know that you need a password for the wabsite and and another password for the forum
(which appears to me ,at least, complicated).
Do Ineed a third password or I am wrong somewhere in the procedure ?

This manual is accessible online, and you can create a PDF file and download it.

Best regards,

True. My problem is that I am able to download the txt file,but when I ask for the pdf file ,it returns with “an error occured”.Both in the english and french versions.
My pc system is Windows 10

Same on our side…
I don’t know why.

But the purpose of this manual firstly is to be accessible via internet.
We will check it…